Friday, January 31, 2014

Feeling Sick?

I don't have a picture because thankfully no one is sick! Having asthma, when we get sick, we have to limit what we can take as far as medication. I'm not a doctor, I just know what works for us, and hopefully you can find some help here.

Now I am not a tea drinker, hot or cold, but when we're sick, its a must. For us grown ups, some hot green tea with a bit of lemon and honey clears out your lungs. (I add a packet of my favorite sweetener because like I said, I'm not a fan of tea).  The good news is most teas are caffeine free, so it's great for kids (double check just in case!). My daughters favorite is Raspberry Zinger. Celestial Seasonings makes great variety packs to try and see which ones your kids might favor most.
Honey has great healing properties as seen here:
This site talks about cinnamon too, because that is included in my next home remedy.

Sore throats (and Coughing.)
We all get them, and why waste money on a store remedy (although Ludens are oh so yummy). Again, I don't measure so the best way to make sure you have it right, is to taste it. We make a small dose that will last 3x a day for 3 days.
3tbs honey
4 tbs white vinegar
a healthy sprinkle of cinnamon
stir together (taste to make sure its good, the consistency should be mildly runny)
As seen in the link above, the honey and cinnamon are great for healing and the combo soothes your throat and helps ease your coughing.

Stuffed Sinuses
There is always the tried and true netty pots. But when my nose gets crazy stuffed, I self drown. So I boil Apple Cider Vinegar and breathe it in. Another tried and true remedy handed down from our grandmothers is boiling water, putting it in a plugged sink and hovering over it with a towel. It clears up your sinuses and lungs.

Coughing keeping you up?
I throw a hefty pillow under my daughters mattress. It elevates the mattress (not just her head), so it makes it easier for her to sleep comfier and being propped up helps her with her night time coughing.

Stay Hydrated!!
Water, tea, ginger ale, anything! Just make sure you are drinking. I lost a friend to dehydration while sick, and maybe that's why this part of staying healthy is so important to me. The more hydrated you are, the more prepared your body is to fight off infection.

We always make sure to have air purifiers going, cleaning them once a week, and replacing the filters as needed. We run humidifiers (especially with it being winter). I don't add anything to the water I put in it, but I imagine a few drops of lavender oil would help aid in sleeping, as lavender is a tried and true sleep aid.

Got any ideas we should try? Send them along

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